格特曼的敏锐洞察力建立在 25 年多与大型企业合作的经验之上。在《伟大的商业团队》一书中,您将会见 25 家杰出公司的 39 位高管,他深入采访了他们,并长期跟踪他们的表现。这本实用指南提供了创建、运营和维持运作良好、高效的商业团队所需的所有见解、技巧和来之不易的智慧,这些团队始终能够实现最高水平的绩效。
— KeurigDrPepper 执行主席 Robert J. Gamgort
— Frances Hesselbein 领导力论坛主席兼首席执行官;
— Michael E. Sneed(已退休)强生公司全球企业事务执行副总裁兼首席传播官
— Jean-Daniel Gervais,亚马逊评论员
在《伟大的商业团队》一书中,著名商业顾问 Howard M. Guttman 带您走进一些世界上最成功的公司,例如强生、诺华、玛氏公司和欧莱雅,揭示高绩效、横向组织模式的变革性影响。这种开创性的方法重新定义了领导者的领导方式、团队成员的协作方式、应对挑战的方式以及决策方式。
霍华德·古特曼凭借在大型企业工作超过 25 年的经验,分享了与 25 家杰出公司的 39 名高管合作时获得的见解。通过深入访谈和绩效跟踪,古特曼提供了一本实用指南,其中充满了经过验证的技术、现实世界的智慧和可操作的策略,用于创建、运营和维持始终如一地提供卓越成果的业务团队。
在诺华肿瘤公司,首席执行官和他的行动团队成功对抗了竞争对手的新产品,该产品预计将占据 20-30% 的市场份额。
霍华德·M·格特曼 (Howard M. Guttman) 是格特曼发展战略公司 (GDS) 的负责人,该公司是一家总部位于新泽西州阿灵顿山的管理咨询公司,成立于 1989 年,专门从事高管培训;建立横向高绩效团队;战略和组织协调;以及管理发展培训。
GDS 被《领导力卓越》杂志评选为顶级领导力发展咨询公司,霍华德还被该杂志评选为“卓越 100 位顶尖思想领袖”之一。

The Back Story
Great Business Teams
Unlock the secrets of success and transform your organization into dynamic, highly motivated teams of top performers, ready to tackle any business challenge with confidence and agility.
Reflecting on the extraordinary journey we undertook while writing Great Business Teams:
The Courage to Share
We interviewed 39 executives for Great Business Teams, and several allowed us to attend their alignments and team meetings. They were remarkably open, honest, and self-critical. It took real courage for them to give us access to their meeting rooms, permission to record the action, and consent to share the results with readers. Truly impressive!
Can’t Get No Satisfaction
By almost any performance metric, the leaders we interviewed are highly successful. Yet, they refuse to rest on their laurels. These leaders are proud of their achievements, but they constantly raise the bar. Ken Bloom, CEO of INTTRA, captured this mindset perfectly: “If you think you are done, you are done.”
Leading, Not Talking
There’s plenty of talk these days about “flat” organizations, “engagement,” and “empowerment.” What sets these 39 leaders apart is their bias for action. They ask themselves: “What do I need to do to take my team from good to great?” Then they act decisively. By leading through action, they redefine leadership and followership while transforming their organizations, team by team.
Force for Change
Change doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Frustration is often the spark. Many of the leaders we studied experienced a big-bang, enough-is-enough moment. Scott Edmonds, CEO of Chico’s, described it this way: “As Chico’s grew more complex, we began to operate in silos... I felt as though, if it didn’t change, they wouldn’t be able to pay me enough to put up with it. Life is too short to be a referee or a dad trying to keep peace among all the siblings in the family.”
Feedback Pushback
While many leaders are comfortable giving feedback, fewer are skilled at receiving it. For many of our 39 leaders, learning to embrace feedback was a struggle. Helen McCluskey shared: “My toughest challenge was learning how to deal with negative feedback. At the beginning, I took it well on the outside but then overanalyzed, dwelled on it, catastrophized it. I had to learn to lighten up.” My takeaway? Inner struggles build high-performance muscle.
Becoming Great
Our book introduces the Team Development Wheel, outlining four stages of a team’s progress:
Stage 1: Infighting
Stage 2: Testing Authority
Stage 3: Questioning Performance
Stage 4: High Performance
Most teams remain stuck between the first two stages. Breaking free often requires the guidance of an external coach or advisor. Achieving Stage 4 greatness demands a profound transformation—rethinking leadership and player roles, redefining acceptable behaviors, embracing accountability, acquiring new skills, and adopting new criteria for measuring success.
Power Revisited
Power is one of the most charged concepts in management. For the leaders of great business teams, it’s value-neutral—not glorified, as Alpha Leaders might do, nor dismissed, as Servant Leaders often do. Great leaders level the playing field, align teams starting at the top, and make them accountable for results. They then ask: “How much decision-making space does the team need to achieve standout results?”
Once the conditions for high-performance, horizontal teams are established, power flows—not along traditional hierarchies, but in a distributed manner to meet challenges effectively.
Great Business Teams is your guide to building effective, aligned, and high-performing teams that deliver outstanding results in any business environment.
Buy the Book
Hardcopy and digital formats available:
序言……… ...
第 1 章:破解高性能代码…… ...
第 2 章:新型高绩效领导者 ...................................... 19
第 3 章:新型高性能播放器 ...................................... 47
第 4 章:为实现高绩效而协调一致 ...................................... 79
第五章:加速实现高性能..................................... 111
第六章:优秀团队如何做出决策 ...................................... 125
第 7 章:优秀团队如何管理会议 .................................. 141
第 8 章:优秀团队如何沟通....................................... 155
第 10 章:伟大的领导者和团队:
附录 A:以球员为中心的领导力……………………………………………………………… 203
附录 B:优秀团队成员的技能 ...................................... 209
索引 …................................................................................................. 231