Why you should read Coach Yourself to Win
"Some motivational authors claim that their books, with their snappy covers and glowing recommendations, can change your life– even if their content is as insubstantial as a summer breeze. In contrast, Howard M. Guttman provides a steady stream of valuable content that can help you make your life better. A respected executive coaching expert, Guttman presents seven easy-to-follow steps you can use to coach yourself to achieve lasting positive behavioral change. He delivers invaluable knowledge, wisdom, savvy tips and practical expertise as he explains how to apply proven executive coaching principles to modify your behavior and achieve a happier, more productive life. getAbstract recommends this completely useful self-coaching guide. It will be worth far more than its cover price if you practice its principles."
getAbstract: The World’s Largest Library of Business Book Summaries
The Buzz on Coach Yourself To Win
“Howard Guttman has developed a forceful seven-step self-improvement process that can be used by anyone interested in taking up their game, whether on the job or in their life.”
Marshall Goldsmith, world-renowned executive coach; author of the NY Times
bestsellers MOJO and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
“Howard coaches to win! He has focused me and my management team on the necessary behavior changes to deliver breakthrough performance in the marketplace.”
Todd Lachman, President, Mars Chocolate North America
“Howard has helped some of the best executives in the world. . . .
His book provides the steps to help coach yourself to victory both professionally and personally.”
Joe Gibbs, owner, Joe Gibbs Racing
"Coach Yourself to Win provides a superb system for achieving personal success. It uses proven principles that are presented in a tangible, user-friendly manner. I recommend this book to the many people I encounter who need the right set of tools to improve their well-being.”
Daniel A . Monti, M.D., Director, Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine,Thomas
Jefferson University and Hospital; coauthor, The Great Life Makeover: Weight, Mood, and Sex
“Howard shows us how to coach ourselves effectively to gain the wins that matter most to us.”
Ken Shelton, editor of Personal Excellence and Leadership Excellence magazines
7 步流程

要成功进行自我培训,您需要一条清晰、稳健的通往新未来的道路。霍华德经过验证的 7 步流程在过去 35 年中帮助提升了数百名高管的绩效。他们是一个要求严格的群体!这是第一次,这个过程属于您。
霍华德·M·格特曼 (Howard M. Guttman) 是格特曼发展战略公司 (GDS) 的负责人,该公司是一家总部位于新泽西州阿灵顿山的管理咨询公司,成立于 1989 年,专门从事高管培训;建立横向高绩效团队;战略和组织协调;以及管理发展培训。
GDS 被《领导力卓越》杂志评选为顶级领导力发展咨询公司,霍华德还被该杂志评选为“卓越 100 位顶尖思想领袖”之一。

改变行为方式的成熟方法 - 35 年来,GDS 知名高管教练一直采用此方法
Coach Yourself to Win 提供了一套易于遵循的七步计划,它将为您的职业和个人生活带来持久、积极的变化,因为您是实现美好结局的关键。为了帮助您实施该计划,本网站将为您提供整个过程中所需的所有支持材料。
Table Of Contents
Preface .............................................................................................. .. vii
Acknowledgments ................................................................................ xi
Before We Begin .................................................................................. xiii
Ready, Set—Now Coach Yourself to Win ......................................... 1
Chapter 1: Can You Coach Yourself to Win? .................................... 17
Action Steps:
1.1 Are You in It for the Long Haul? .................................................... 36
1.2 Are You Able to Change Your Behavior? ....................................... 38
1.3 Are You Ready to Change Your Behavior? .................................... 38
1.4 Are You Self-Coachable? .............................................................. 39
Chapter 2: Setting Your Intention ........................................................ 43
Action Steps:
2.1 What Is Your Intention? ................................................................. 74
2.2 To Whom Will You Declare Your Intention? .................................... 74
2.3 What Are Your Stories and Where Do They Come From? ............. 75
2.4 Evaluate Your Stories .................................................................... 75
2.5 Write Up Your Stories' “P&L Statements” ...................................... 76
2.6 Write Your “New You” Stories ......................................................... 76
2.7 What Is Your First Step? ................................................................ 76
Chapter 3: Choosing Your Traveling Companions ............................... 77
Action Steps:
3.1 Who Will Be Your Guide? ............................................................. 109
3.2 Discussing Your Intention with Your Guide ................................... 109
3.3 Who Will Be in Your Circle of Support? ........................................ 109
Chapter 4: What Is the Message? ..................................................... 111
Action Steps:
4.1 Questions for Your Guide and Circle of Support .......................... 127
4.2 Briefing Packet for Your Guide and Circle of Support .................. 127
Chapter 5: How Should You Respond? ............................................. 137
Action Step:
5.1 Creating Your Discussion Plan .................................................... 153
Chapter 6: Mapping Your Route ........................................................ 181
Action Steps:
6.1 Stories about Planning ................................................................ 181
6.2 Writing SMART Objectives .......................................................... 181
6.3 Creating Your Personal Development Plan (PDP) ....................... 182
6.4 Communicating Your Plan to Your Circle of Support .................... 183
Chapter 7: Getting and Staying There ............................................... 187
Notes ................................................................................................ 213
Additional Resources for Self-Coaches ............................................ 219
Index ................................................................................................. 249