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June A. Halper

Senior Consultant

Contact by email:


Or Direct Line: +1-646-261-1947


400 Valley Road, Suite 103
Mt Arlington, NJ 07856

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Proven Success Strategies: Client Experiences


I conducted an alignment with a team whose members had issues with their leader’s style. He was more directive than collaborative. During an alignment, a profound moment occurred when the leader, for the first time, became vulnerable, expressed his acceptance of the team’s feedback, and invited the team to “hold up the mirror” if his old behavior should resurface and impede team performance. This completely shifted the atmosphere and allowed the team and the leader to have truly honest dialogue at a much deeper level. For the leader, exhibiting such vulnerability showed great strength, and for the team, witnessing such vulnerability proved deeply enlightening, permitting them to do the same.


​—June Halper

June Halper, a senior consultant with Guttman Development Strategies, Inc., has over 25 years’ of experience as a consultant, facilitator, and manager in organizational, leadership, and executive development. She has consulted across various industries, including finance, pharmaceuticals, technology, retail, consumer goods, not-for-profit and various service-based businesses, and has worked with clients at all organizational levels to meet strategic goals.


“Mindset is an incredibly powerful tool in business and in life. Our mindset generates our behavior, which in turn generates the results we get. Shifting your mindset can shift your life”


She designs and facilitates team-alignment sessions that accelerate the ability of business teams to achieve results: enabling greater collaboration, reducing conflict, and expediting decision-making processes. She has helped organizations implement global category teams that require the alignment of multiple resources and processes worldwide.


June has supported numerous cross-functional and departmental teams in their efforts to increase their overall effectiveness. She is exceptionally skilled at designing and implementing large-scale performance management and leadership training efforts and delivering high-impact workshops to facilitate professional and personal change.


She has created and facilitated train-the-trainer programs to transfer GDS training technologies to client systems. June also acts as an executive coach to clients, supporting them in transitioning to broader leadership roles, gaining needed skills and confidence, and shifting limiting belief patterns that compromise their performance. 

She has a particular interest and expertise in coaching executive women as they navigate organizational cultures and build their careers.


June began her career in Sales Training at Philip Morris and has held various management and organizational development positions at RCA and Ebasco Services, Inc.  Her background includes building a training and organization development function from ground up, including hiring and developing staff, and creating diverse curricula for all organization levels.​


M.A. & M.Ed. | Counseling, Columbia University

B.S., Magna Cum Laude | Education & Applied Human Development, Syracuse University



Professional Recognition

Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America

Who’s Who of American Women

Who’s Who of Executive Women

Cambridge Who’s Who, Organization Development Professional of the Year, 2010

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